Saturday, September 29, 2007

Cheep Decor.

I always love to decorate for seasons and holidays but I do not have the budget for it. So this is what i have come up with. I have dug up pictures that I have taken of the girls in the past of fall back round Halloween, and playing in the leaves. Then I replaced pictures that I have out already ( just for the season ) and pulled out frames that I have put away. You can also find frames at yard sales and if you do not like the color spray pant can be your best friend ( also a good yard sale find) HAPPY FALL!

Friday, September 28, 2007

What a DEAL!

So here's the deal. I have been " shopping " in the garage for about a week and I have come to the conclusion that { E } and { O } have more clothes then they could every wear but poor { M} I can barley put an outfit together for her. I was thinking that all she really needed was a few pants and she would be fine. WRONG! As we were on the way up to the bus today I realized that her skirt was WAY to short and that was one of the longest ones she has. Well that just busted my bubble! So I thought I would hit a few condiment stores today and maybe get her going, now on to the problem; our budget right now is really tight and clothes just don't fit in it right now . So I thought O.K maybe I'll get luck and boy did I! I got all you see here for 30$, that all! ( all name brand Gap, Children's place and C.W.D kids ) Three pairs of pants, three skirts, one shirt and one sweater! I could not believe it myself. then I took my good luck over to children's place to get a tank top to wear under the sweater. There I found four tanks, one sweater and two more skirts for 20$ so for 50$ I was able to really get her straight! I am happy b/c I did not have to spend to much money and she is happy b/c it looks like she is going to get to wear skirts a lot this year. What a great day!

Cookie Time

I was so excited to finally use these cookies cutters that I found at a yard sale for 10 cents like a year ago. { E } and I had a great time Monday and Tuesday making these cookies. Since I am in the saving money mode I made these cookies from scratch no box involved that is new for me and I really liked doing it, we will be doing that more often. Now just if they could just get eaten up the temptation is killing me. : )

The Bakery tree?

Yes fokes that is right I went in to the dollar tree Monday and what did I see but a bakery in the back ( still under construction ) I am so excited to see what they are going to offer! This dollar tree a not the one closest to me I have to drive a few extra mile but it is Worth it since now I know they have FROZEN food and DAIRY products. It is amazing what you will find if you are looking. Now I have to just remember to ask myself before I buy something do I really need this or am I just excited about the price? Good question I think.

Glass Cleaner Anyone?

O.k so I have a glass kitchen table ( I know that is crazy with three kids, I am not really sure what we were think; but it looks pretty ) anyway so I would like to say that I am some what of a glass cleaner conquer ; I have tried them ALL and nothing has really worked I have streaks and all sorts of thing left beind. Well under the advice of my sister I went to a great blog ( Like Merchant ship ) and she gave this suggestion; alcohol from the dollar tree ( I got wintergreen flavor so it smells nice ) and pored about a cup in a spray bottle it and filled the rest with water. It works great and smells good! Who needs to spend $3.45 on glass cleaner NOT ME!